Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Day Before Ash Wednesday


for Ash Wednesday

Pastor Reitz talked to us about receiving ashes on either our foreheads or hands tomorrow. The ashes remind us of our sins and our need for a savior. We know the ashes are from Palm Sunday palm branches and they are not hot.

Outside Time

Using the brooms to sweep the brick path

We have a thermometer on the playground. This morning when we were outside it was 60 degrees. When you look at the back of the thermometer, you can see the "floating stuff."

Jesus Time

Today we sang, "Hallelu, Praise Ye the Lord" and any tune we could think of to sing "Alleluia." We also had alleluia streamers. Today was the last day we will sing alleluia, until we return after Easter Day.


Adding to our list of things we know about eagles to share with Mrs. Douglas' class on Thursday.

Eagle Nest Play

Other Happenings 

Monday, February 27, 2017


Happy Monday!

Preparing for ...

A New Season of the Church Year 

Pastor Rouland told us the season of Lent begin this Wednesday, Ash Wednesday. He told us about receiving ashes on our forehead or hand after chapel on Wednesday. We learned the ashes are from palm branches used at last year's Palm Sunday worship.


Preparing for ...

A visit from Mrs. Douglas' class on Thursday. We started our list of things we know about eagles from watching the eagle cam. We will be sharing some of our eagle knowledge with them.

Preparing the Nest

The eagle nest is here.
The children added sticks and "straw" to the nest. They looked at our eagle books for help.

Preparing eggs for the nest

The sticks are in!

Hanging out in the nest

Our Eagle!

Other Action

Making plans in the kitchen

Friday, February 24, 2017

Friday Events

Morning Work

Painting and Puzzles

 Outdoor Exploration

 Eagle Work

Warming up the modeling clay
They are definitely stronger than the clay.

She made an eagle family.

Final touches added to our life size eagle
It's ready to hang.

Kitchen Time

Searching for just the right recipe

Outside Again 

... but it's definitely cooler.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Shine Like Jesus


STUCO, our student council, did a great job leading chapel today. They talked about how Jesus is the Light of the world. We helped with the message by saying,
Flashlight, Flashlight
Shine so bright,
Shine like Jesus 
And His might.

What is happening? 

The maple in the "forest" is blooming. We just couldn't keep ourselves inside. 

Enjoying the Day!

Today we explored our new play space using binoculars or magnifying glasses. Then we drew a picture of what we noticed.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Is It Spring?

Morning Creations

An Airplane

An Eagle

Outdoor Fun

It's especially nice to play with just a light weight coat.

Free Choice Time

Block Area Work

Today's Artists

A Basket Full to Treasures

Outside Observations

What is on the tree?

What are those little mounds of dirt?

 We had a great day!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Eagles....and Kindness

Jesus Time 

We reviewed the story of the Good Samaritan as we looked at a picture of the story. 

We then created a list of ways we can show kindness.
Our list included:
Listening to each other.
Helping each other.
Playing together.

 Eagle Fun

Mrs. Lohman showed the group how to make an eagle with modeling clay.
(We think maybe her eagle looks kind of like a penguin. 😉 ) 
Then it was the children's turn.
They worked hard warming up the clay by pressing on it and manipulating it.
Then they started shaping the clay.

The life size wing span of an eagle is decorated with construction paper.
Keep watching to see what the next step is.