Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Eagles and the New Playspace


This morning the children started making their eagles. They are doing a great job. I can't wait to have them hanging in our room.

How long is an eagle's wing span? Well, about two three - five year old children long - that's how long! We think we need to cut out the paper to make it look like wings and decorate it.

Today's eagle cam was great! The nestling is getting so big. We even got to see this closeup of Harriet.

Our New Playspace

We were the last group to play in our new playspace. It was super hard to wait, but we did it!
We were mostly excited to go down the slide.

Mrs. Haun led us in a dedication of our space.
We even had a ribbon cutting ceremony!

We loved dancing on the performing arts stage.

The tour continued with a stop at the art area, the dry river (the rocks need to stay in it), and walking through the tunnel which led us to the tires.

We finally played on them!

Next we learned that one way to get to the slide is to use the stump steps.

We can also go up the climbing wall.

Then they were finally up on that high mound!

The children just keep climbing up and going down the slide.

And they explored the tires more.

We are looking forward to many play experiences in our new space!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Eagle Work

Eagle Work

With eagle books added to our book area, we are learning many facts about eagles. Today Mrs. Lohman showed us how long the eagle's wing span is.  We checked out the eagle family on the eagle cam. Today Mom Harriet was hiding the nestling, so we didn't see it very well. We made eagle masks. (Watch for pictures.) Today Mrs. Lohman modeled how we could make an eagle. Can't wait to see eagles made by the children.

Jesus Time

In today's story we learned about Jesus healing the 10 men with leprosy. We know that Jesus heals us. We also are reminded that we want to thank Jesus for all the wonderful things He has done. 

Self-Portrait Work

We have talked about Mat Man and the different parts of our bodies. Today the children started drawing their self-portrait. We pulled out their portfolios and compared the November drawings to today's drawings. Wow! These children are growing and developing so quickly.

Free Choice Time

A Busy Time of Day!

Friday, January 27, 2017

NLSW - Holiday Day with Special Guests

Time on the Big Kid Playground

Birthday Boy

This guy is having his fourth birthday tomorrow! Happy Birthday!

Jesus Time

Today Jesus time was a retelling of what happens when someone is baptized.

Group Time 

Who is Mat Man?

Free Choice Time

Special Guests

During our free choice time, Mrs. Cornejo's fifth grade class joined us. Two groups of nine stayed for about fifteen minutes each. Our class enjoyed having the big kids build, draw, and create things with them.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

NLSW - We are Bobcats!

 Spirit Day!

Everyone wore their red, black, or white!


A great bobcat!

Jesus Time

We are preparing our hearts for Jesus time. Today we read God Makes Me His Child in Baptism. 

Group Time

Who is Mat Man? That's who the children met today. 

Free Choice Time

Busy in the kitchen

Block building creation

Full body involvement

Light table pattern blocks create a different look

Some of today's sensory table workers

Art table creators

Some dance party moves

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

NLSW - Character Day

Awesome Characters!

All School Chapel

Mr. Debrick led our chapel today. We loved being with the whole school. It was great to see so many different characters. Mr. Debrick reminded us that Jesus is our Rock. He is with us all the time.

 Free Choice Time

More pretend snow was added today. It's so much different than the rice!

For some, just watching is all they need to do.

Other Action

Block Area Construction

Eagle Work

Two more groups shared what they know about eagles. 
(Thank you for waiting so patiently while Mrs. Lohman checks her list!)
The egg that didn't hatch is about the size of a tennis ball. The eaglet is growing so fast!

This is what we know so far from watching the eagle cam and reading a book about bald eagles.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

It's A Beautiful Winter Day

And Fake Injury Day

Bandaid Injuries

And other injuries

The "Big Kid" Playground

Hi, from the Big Kid playground!

Jesus Story 

Today we talked about baptism. We baptized baby doll Anna.

Group Time

We are feeling happy, scared, surprised, worried, sad, and angry.
Can you tell?

Free Choice Time

See my snowman?

New materials in the sensory table - snowy mixture (baking soda and conditioner) and arctic animals.

Bald Eagles

Small groups took turns telling Mrs. Lohman what we already know about eagles.