Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Tickering with Some Ideas

A Light and an Iron

Taking apart lights, appliances and toys has given the children an opportunity to see first hand how things are made.

Whole Group Time

Today we read What Do You Do with an Idea? This beautiful books is about a child who has an idea that he wonders about for a long time. Finally, his idea takes shape and it changes the world. 

Small Group Time

They cut the wire. 

Now they are wondering where the wire went. They tried to push it back in, but that didn't work. Eventually we pulled it out. 

She was able to remove the screw all by herself!

As the children tinkered with these items, we talked about how things are put together. They noticed screws and rolling things. We have also noticed the the screw heads are all different. 
Later in the day, we listed ways things are held together. So far our list includes staples, glue, and double sided tape.

Outside Time

Jesus Time

Today we retold the story of Bartimaeus. This wonderful story reminds us that we are in darkness without the light of Jesus.

Learning Center Time

More tinkering

Before Naptime Story

We read a new book we all loved today. The Branch, by Mireille Messier and illustrated by Pierre Pratt, tells the story of a happens to a little girl's favorite branch that breaks off its tree during an ice storm. We also looked at a book about how things are made.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Tuesday and the Teacher is Away

Thanks again to Mrs. Cruz and Mrs. Howard who created another great day for the children!

They were busy during morning activities.

Tinkering with items we have taken apart so far.


A Few Minutes in the Commons

Learning Center Time

Great Shots from our Student Photographer

And Moving to a Very Fun Song

Dr. Jean's Tooty Ta

Monday, January 29, 2018

Monday and the Teacher is Away

Thanks so much to Mrs. Cruz and Mrs. Howard for helping the chidlren have a great day!

Morning Activities

Outside for a Few Minutes 

Hoods Up! It's cold!

Learning Center Time

Student Photographer

And her work


 Ending the day with journal work