Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Settling In

We went outside this morning, but it was so hot!
We came inside and drank our water while we sat on the red rug.

They are doing a great job "reading" books.
Look at this guy tracking the words while reading. That's awesome!

Today for Jesus time I read This is the World that God Made. After reading about what God made, we all said, "And God said that it was good."

Today the children really settled 
in to playing and exploring during our discovery time.

The first group playing with the magna tiles. Thank you, Mrs. Cruz, for helping them see how they work and what they could build.

The second group came to build. Since they were using the tiles for the first time, just stacking them was pretty fun!

Team Play Dough hard at work!

The cardboard blocks are so fun, because the children can quickly build a tall tower and then knock it down.

The old cellphones are a popular addition to the kitchen.
Who are they calling?

A couple of our black line drawing artists focused on their creations.
Make sure to check out their drawings displayed on the wall near Bear.

The block building duo moved to the creation station and enjoyed cutting and building with paper.

The new magnetic tray and magnets provide the children with another choice for exploring letters.
That sure does look like great fun!

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