Thank you, families for having all your children arrive on time and ready to learn.
At the end of our day, I asked the children to tell me what they remembered about their day. Here are their highlights;
- We went outside.
- We ate snack.
- We ate lunch.
- We did nap time.
- We drew.
- We glued strips of paper.
- We had a lot of new things to do.
- We prayed together.
- They heard that Jesus loves them all the time.
- We practiced listening.
- We learned this song.
Eyes are watching. Eyes are watching.
Ears are listening. Ears are listening.
Ears are listening. Ears are listening.
Voices quiet. Voices quiet.
Bodies calm. Bodies calm.
- We joined the rest of the school in the sanctuary and had our picture taken with everyone.
Here we are doing an amazing job waiting for our turn to take our places.
- We toured part of the room in our pretend school bus.
- They had a great time discovering what was in the room.
Just a glimpse into our first day!
I am joyfully anticipating the development of our learning community. Your children filled my heart with joy today as they worked so hard navigating a brand new experience.