Monday, April 3, 2017

It's rainy again, but we can't let that get us down!

 Morning Activity

Building with straws and Megablocks added a new dimension to our play dough creations.

And the rest of our day ...

The camera kind of went missing, so we remember ...
  • going to the Commons for our morning gross motor time. (We really wanted to go outside, but it is too wet again.)
  • listening to Mrs. Lohman tell the story of the woman who put special oil on Jesus' head and feet. Everyone rubbed scented lotion on their hands as a reminder of the story.
  • putting up our April calendar. There are only eleven more day in Lent!
  • re-reading The Kindness Quilt and then talking about how we are kind.
  • making things in the art area.
  • making a dinosaur cave in the block area.
  • a small group reading, From Seed to Plant, by Gail Gibbons with Mrs. Lohman. 
  • playing in soil and finding roots and rocks.
  • hands getting very dirty as we played in the dirt.
  • five children planting lettuce seeds.
  • running and playing in the gym.

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