Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Jesus is Alive! The eggs are here!

 Jesus is Alive! Celebration!

The first activty of our day was going outside to celebrate that the tomb is open! 

Jesus is Alive!
With streamers in hand we sang, "Jesus lives! Alleluia! Amen!"

Then, we learned an Easter cheer. The refrain is "The rock was rolled away! Hooray! Easter Day!"

We sang our song of joy one more time!

Jesus is Alive! Alleluia!

The chicken eggs are here!

We started reading a wonderful book, Hatching Chicks in Room Six. We learned that if we would open one of our eggs, we would see a white dot or the embroyo. The embroyo is the start of the baby chick. We will be learning many other words as we wait for the chicks to be born in 21 days.

We thought we would have eight eggs. Instead we have twelve! We numbered them and put a circle on one side and an "x" on the other side. This will help when we turn the eggs.

Everyone was able to touch an egg or two. We told it to start growing.

The eggs are in the incubator.
Now we need to wait 21 days!
We also need to keep water in the pan, turn them, and monitor the temperature of the incubator.

Butterfly Painting

Our butterfly painters hard at work. The butterflies will be used to decorate an Easter cross that will be in the hallway.

Bulb Observations

After one week, it's time to record the growth of our bulbs.


Some great ramps and arches!

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