Thursday, August 31, 2017

Triangles and Topsoil Delivery

 Morning Stations

They created a sea monster, but also enjoyed exploring their reflections.

Whole Group Time

We had such fun singing and dancing as part of our group time.
While they waited for the next song, the children decided to pretend they were sleeping.

When the music started, they jumped up and started dancing.

We had so much fun!

Chapel Time

We begin our chapel with our invocation.
"We begin in the name of the Father, who created us,
In the name of the Son, who died for us, and
In the name of the Holy Spirit who comforts us."

Miss Bethany Andrews told us about a stone she has on her desk. It reminds her of a Bible story in I Samuel 7 when Samuel put a stone on the ground to remind the people that our Lord always helps us.

A Triangle Walk

This week we started noticing triangles. 
As we walked to and from chapel, we searched for them.

Can you tell where we were when we took these pictures?

Small Group Time

We read about non-fiction book about reflections and shadows. We also read The Black Rabbit. We just loved it! We read it again after lunch!

Outside Time

Dancing and performing on the stage
(No, he did not get hit with the broom!)

Topsoil Delivery
for the Early Learning Program's new play space

We were able to see this happen three times!
Do you see the triangle?

Learning Centers

Yesterday, the first-eighth graders had their first faith family activity. Their devotion was about being Living Stones, because Jesus is with us. They spent time decorating a stone that was used to create a Living Stone path. 

During our learning centers, some children colored stones to add to the path.

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